Im 37 Weeks Pregnant My Baby Is Measuring 40 Stomach and 37 Head

Infant measuring minor for dates – what information technology actually means

What does it hateful if your baby is measuring small for your dates? Here's what yous need to know if a midwife or doctor says your baby'southward looking pocket-sized later on your fundal height'south been measured/you've had a growth scan…


In a nutshell

Your baby measuring small for your dates means that your baby'south size is a little smaller than what's considered average for the stage of your pregnancy.

However, you should try your best non to worry. These measurements don't necessarily mean your baby will have a low nascency weight, or that at that place's anything wrong with your baby'due south health.

Easier said than done, we know! Hopefully, this commodity will help ease some of the worries you have…

How is my unborn baby's size measured?

Your baby'southward size is checked by your midwife measuring your crash-land (called 'fundal superlative') during a check-up.

If they think you lot're measuring small-scale for your dates, you'll probable be asked to go for what's known every bit a wellbeing or growth browse.

What do the experts say about babies measuring modest?

If yous're due to have a scan because your babe'south measured pocket-size, residuum bodacious: the big bulk of scans will exist absolutely fine!

Professor Basky Thilganathan, a Consultant Obstetrician and spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) too wants to make it clear that most pocket-sized babies are totally good for you, and that size is simply used to help medical pros keep an centre on the baby'south wellbeing.

"Most women who have a pocket-sized baby or a large baby are having a healthy pocket-size baby or large infant," he tells MFM. "Part of the assessment of the scan is to look at the wellbeing of the baby irrespective of the size.

"It commonly involves something called the dopplar assessment, then that's a blood flow assessment, looking at the amniotic fluid around the baby, etc. Once again, this is about the wellbeing of the infant irrespective of the size.

"The reason that is important [to note] is that most minor babies are perfectly good for you. Nigh unhealthy babies are not usually small, either.

"Fifty-fifty though in that location is an association between being small-scale and having problems, that association is quite weak. It is used equally a signal for u.s.a. to decide who needs special tests."

"Ofttimes the scans are fine," stresses MFM's resident GP, Dr Philippa Kaye, too. "Substantially, if the baby is smaller than expected, they and then check the blood flow in the placenta."

Simply in rare cases will in that location be something not quite right with the placenta. In that case, you'd monitored with more than scans – and go from there.

MFM mums share stories about their babies measuring modest

Unsurprisingly, this is a Big talking point on our forum. Loads of our MFMers accept been told they're measuring small for a diverseness of reasons – one of which is the fact they had small or petite bumps.

Reassuringly, near of them found that their babe's actual weights were higher than the estimates from scans.

"I was told I was measuring minor at 38 weeks," says forumlady. "I was scanned at 38+4 and was told the baby had stopped growing and would be 5lb 10oz.

"I was to be induced at 38+five so went home and rushed to the shops to buy newborn sizes… he was 6lb 12.5oz when born at 39 and he's certainly not pocket-sized at present. 5 months and most 17lb!"

"Please don't worry (I know it's hard)," advises wannanother. "I went through this verbal thing with my daughter (1st kid) who is 3yrs now.

'Everyone thought I was only about vi/vii months when I was but nigh due, I had a small crash-land and anytime I saw a new consultant or midwife I was rushed for a scan because I was small for dates.

"They thought maybe my placenta wasn't feeding the baby properly and were going to requite me a C-department. But the scans always showed that everything was fine, there was plenty fluid around the baby etc, and I was left to have the baby normally.

"And then she was overdue, so the twenty-four hours before I was due to be induced I was sent for withal some other scan and they said the infant was just virtually 5lb so it would be ok to get ahead with inducing me the side by side day… the side by side solar day she was born at 7lb 2oz!!!

"So I don't call up she put on all that weight overnight! Anyway, everyone's story is different, but I merely wanted to reassure y'all you that just considering you are small, it does not hateful that your baby is besides small or unhealthy or anything like that.

"It is hard – I remember crying my eyes out over it at the time – just my wee daughter is a happy healthy wee thing with no problems."

"I had exactly the aforementioned thing throughout my pregnancy, I was small and no one noticed I was pregnat until I left piece of work at 36 weeks and still people didn't know!!!" KirstyMacey adds.

"I started to measure small at about 36 weeks but baby'due south head was engaged and far down so midwife said at that place was no need to worry nearly the two-week [size] deviation.

"I had my infant daughter on half-dozen August and she weighed 6lb 14oz and she is now eight weeks and 10lb 7oz so I would not worry nigh information technology. If midwife was concerned, she would permit you know."

What MadeForMums says

We know it's then hard, but try not to worry too much if your baby is measuring small. Remember, most women will go on to have good for you babies.

As many mums accept constitute, growth scans/fundal meridian readings aren't ever 100% accurate. Keep that in listen, likewise!

And as always, if yous're actually panicking, talk to your doc or your midwife and ask them to re-explicate your scan to yous, only for reassurance ?

Images: Stock prototype via Getty Images

Read more:

  • Growth scans in pregnancy: what y'all demand to know
  • What does it mean if your baby's measuring as well big?
  • Scans and tests during pregnancy – what's coming?


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