Read this if you like seeing how laughably similar accepted moderator applications are to each other. If you aren't satisfied after reading this, feel free to compare some accepted moderator applications on your own time.
WORK IN PROGRESS The Staff Application is the only thing standing between you and that staff rank that you have always wanted to abuse. Well, in this handy guide, I will teach you, step by step, how to make a staff application that is GUARANTEED to be accepted. In the making of this guide, I have studied the 3 most recently accepted staff applications thoroughly and I have created the fail safe formula behind the most effective staff application. Onward to the questions.
Have you read over this thread?
@Brendoom: Yes, I have checked numerous occasions on this thread and I am willing to proceed with the application.
@ExpertZJP: Yes, I have read over this thread many times, and I believe I'm ready for the job!
@Rytheria: Yes, I have thoroughly read through this thread multiple times.
What should be included in your answer: Say that yes, you have read it, and mention that you have read it multiple times.
What is your in-game name?
Brendoom: Brendoom.
ExpertZJP: xDuskk is my current IGN.
Rytheria: My in-game name is currently Rytheria and I currently hold the VIP rank.
What should be included in your answer: Say your in-game username and try to make sure that it is the same as your Forum username. If you happen to have a donor rank, make sure to mention that you have a donor rank.
Have you changed your name in the past? If you have, please list them.
Brendoom: No I have never changed my Minecraft username in all the time I have had Minecraft. If i do change it, I will inform staff members if there is a change of heart.
I also plan to permanently change my name to ExpertZJP when I can.
Rytheria: Yes, I was previously known as kingdion from late 2010 - 2015 until I decided to change to Rytheria to change things up a bit.
What should be included in your answer: If you have had no prior username changes, say that you have had no prior username changes. If you have had a single username change, say your previous username and restate your current username. If you have had more than one username change, take a screenshot of it logged on a website and post it to the application. If your current Forum username does not match your current username, now is the time to state that you will change to it when next possible.
Does anyone else have access to your Minecraft account?
Brendoom: No, It's just me. I usually lock my PC anyway when I am away but it's not likely my 17 year old sister is likely to ever access this, she has her own laptop.
ExpertZJP: No one else has access to my Minecraft account. I have a password on my computer and my Minecraft is hidden away in the depths of my files, so my little brother doesn't find it.
Rytheria: No, there is nobody with my account credentials.
What should be included in your answer: Make sure to say no, no one has access to your Minecraft account. In addition to this, if you feel inclined to do so, say how locked up tight your computer and Minecraft account is to outsiders.
How old are you?
Brendoom: I'm 16 and feel as if I am responsible for the rank soon as I am no longer at school and things like that to get in the way. I was born in April 15th 1999.
ExpertZJP: 16, born June 18th 1999.
Rytheria: I was born in the year 2000, therefore I am currently 15 years of age.
What should be included in your answer: Try to create your staff application when you are around 16 years of age. If you are below 16 years of age, do not mention your exact birth date. If you are 16 or above, mention your exact birth date. Do not claim to be too young or too old as this will usually cause people to notice that you are either too young to take up an important position, or that you are too much of an old fart to understand the community as well as make stupid jokes.
What time zone are you in?
Brendoom: GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
ExpertZJP: Eastern Standard Time (UTC -05:00)
Rytheria: GMT+/--10:00 (Australia)
What should be included in your answer: Say your god damn time zone. If you state your exact time zone name and it happens to sound like a sandwich name, do not put in hour calculations.
Are you multilingual? Can you speak multiple languages?
Brendoom: Not especially. I am however able to access a translator that can translate any language. This during trial and future moderating should not be a problem to me in the upcoming future soon as I can do this any time I wish.
ExpertZJP: No, I speak English, but I take Italian 2. I don't know enough to speak fluently or hold deep conversations in Italian, sadly.
Rytheria: Yes I am multilingual, however my additional language is quite unorthodox. I speak both English and Croatian. I also know the essentials of French yet I am not fluent, so I don't consider it an additional language.
What should be included in your answer: If you do not know another language, say no, you are not multilingual and that you are incapable of speaking another language well enough. If you do know another language, say yes, you are multilingual, however, make sure to state how useless your second language is. This puts you on par with people who are not multilingual and makes it so that not too much is expected of you. If you want to look like a smartass, say that you will use a translator (such as Google Translate) to translate foreign language.
What is your experience and knowledge of Minecraft?
My experience with Minecraft started in 2011 where a blocky game on my dad's computer fascinated me. This strange game really caught my attention and grew really attached to it. I wouldn't call my self a addict as much as I used to with Minecraft because at one point, It was an addictive game. The first ever multiplayer server I went on was an online Minecraft which was no where near like the proper game, it was crude and very stale compared to the real game. Then my dad told me there was multiplayer on the official game I bought. I rushed on it when my dad set up a server and I loved every minute playing with my sister and friends. Later on I expanded my interests and tried many servers. There was this one server i was banned on about 3 times for greif. I was really young back then and I was not a smart kid especially and did really stupid things like that.
My main experiences:
- Working with the server plugins such as; (Some listed are just for server fun)
- PermissionsEX, WorldEdit , ClearLagg , World Guard , Factions , ServerSigns for administrators , Citizens, CoreProtect , UltimateHub , ProtocolLib and PlugMan.
- If i was a staff member, creating rules
- Aware of all types of commands form Essentials
- Plenty of knowledge of players (Abuse, Harassment or bullying)
ExpertZJP: Back when I was in Middle School, my friend showed me this game called Minecraft. He gave me his account details, and let me play. This was before beds, so about 1.2 Beta. I remember playing on our Vanilla server together in survival, and I really had fun. My first experience with a server was TurtleCraft which was a small server on average ran about 100 people, and we managed to build the biggest, most powerful faction on the server. This is when I discovered how much fun a server could be so I played on tons of small servers.
My first experience with Brawl was in December 2014 (Yes, I'm newer
) When I played on my friends account, and I played FpsHG and WarZ. I didn't really like playing them because I was terrible, so I stopped playing after a month. Then I started playing on more popular servers like The Hive, and I had so much fun I wanted to play more than just at my friend's house. Then in about January I finally bought myself a laptop, and I played on my own account and on larger servers. After a while I decided to play Brawl again because I got frustrated. Then I found that there were a bunch of new servers like Minestrike, Skywars, and Survival Games. At first all I would play was Skywars, and then a friend said hey let's play Sg. Playing Sg was the most fun I've ever had in Minecraft. The community was amazing, and they really helped me understand the game.
Now I have the most kills and the 2nd most wins. I also rank #3 in amount of Sg's played with 2,141
Oh boy, I could go on for a while with this, I'll keep it as summarised as possible..
Yet I'll start from the beginning. I started initially playing Minecraft in 2010 when a friend of mine was showing me the game, at first, I didn't really like it because the classic servers we used to play on weren't very good. I then began playing on some interesting game modes on the classic servers, and I began to enjoy it thoroughly. Back then, I never owned premium minecraft and I didn't end up owning premium until the end of 2011 (that's a whole year of classic minecraft, whoa). I'd like to say that all this classic experience gives me a lot of experience on what communities are like within minecraft, how they operate and how to run them efficiently or inefficiently. Though I was only young when I began playing classic, I started to get the hang of how the game ran and how players talked to each other, etc.
Moving onward; my experience became insanely more immersive when I purchased the game nearing the end of 2011. I joined a variety of different SMP communities & game-mode communities (although, through 2011 the game modes were very basic and complex ones didn't start really coming in until 2012). I played and played for hours on end, testing new red stone contraptions, getting into the game, learning how everything works and to top up that experience - my knowledge on how communities and people grew stronger. I eventually stopped playing those servers because I began to lose interest, I resigned from my multiple staff ranks and decided to look for new servers. Since my knowledge of the game was so complex, I had to find something different and unique to the stuff I've been playing to change things up. I had just watched the Hunger Games in the theatres at the start of 2012 and I had fell in love with the concept, it only took me perhaps one day to search up a Minecraft server for it and bam; MCPVP!
I'll try to keep this short, because I can see this is already starting to grow in length and I don't intend for it to go over 3-4 paragraphs. Moving onward, once I found the Hunger Games (or Hardcore Games, as it is now) I honestly didn't find it that enjoyable because I didn't understand how it worked, it took my a couple games to get into the groove of things until I finally realised it was actually really, really fun. Now I know the whole "I fell in love with it" sounds really clichè, but it's true - I fell in love with how the game was made, with everything from the kits, to the killing, to the feasts, etc. I've been playing the Hunger Games (hardcore games) since early 2012 (of course, taking breaks every now and then) yet I've been avidly experiencing it ever since. I quickly learnt how the community operated and I began joining the main streams frequently and was playing on a day to day basis. I accumulated around 4000 games since I last checked on the Hardcore Games (mcpvp stats) and I've played with a variety of different kits. I've seen the game change since then, I've gone through all the different kit changes and all the different updates and massive game changers that MCPVP introduced. I went through the good, the bad and the decent. I can definitely say I've got a lot of experience in my time, and I haven't even covered my entire experience in this thread. If anybody wants, I can elaborate further but I think this gives you a fairly thorough understanding of how much experience I have with the game and the communities that run within it.
What should be included in your answer: First, start nostalgic. Mention how a certain person managed to introduce you to the game of Minecraft. After this, mention all the adventures that you went through that eventually brought you here. If you have played it a bit, mention that you played Survival Games/Hardcore Games often, cause the staff here must love that. If you have nothing similar to Survival Games/Hardcore Games in your repertoire, simply state your knowledge of staff work, plugins, commands, and player attitudes.
What is your experience with moderating servers, if any?
Brendoom: My experience is so vast in moderating servers. Since 2012 and after, I have been all over as well as being with MCPVP, I still was always looking out for a server who needed staff. I have been employed or promoted if you like, to a mod on a server before but not one with a mass community. At this time i would be really irresponsible to be a staff member but I have grown and matured as the years have gone by with Minecraft and think I am ready for the next big thing. I was a moderator on a sever called CastleCraft and it was a fairly quiet server out of all the other ones but served it's purpose. I was able to structure a tiny community by promoting staff, creating rules and ensuring the atmosphere of the server is very positive. This was the most important step to me and I really thing that's the important part of anything to do with a server, I am sure anyone may agree with me on that. I have lots of experience with bullying and harassment and even abuse that I have seen in my time and I would know the appropriate thing to do when taking action in a situation. Now and then however I may struggle but hopefully it should not effect moderating on this server.
ExpertZJP: I've only moderated 2 servers and none in the past year. Also neither was really that big.
MuffinCraft was a moderately sized server back in the day that ran about 50-100 people on average. I played the server for about 2 years and throughout the time I had become the most active member. The owner Jvskullcrusher1 asked me to help him build a new spawn and while I building he afked and vanished. After I was done I waited patiently for him to return and he told me that I didn't abuse anything and was trustworthy. Then he granted me Trial Mod. After being granted Trial Mod I worked my way up to Admin, where I stayed until it shut down.
LlamaCraft (stupidly named) was my friend's server that I helped him build and moderate. It ran 20-30 people and wasn't that big. It lasted about 5 months, until he shut it down.
Rytheria: I've had a very, very vast experience in moderating minecraft servers considering the amount of time I've been playing Minecraft. I'll list the ones that I can remember. I don't remember exact dates that I staffed any of these servers, so they aren't in any particular order.
- Blocktopia Zombie Survival (mod)
- Blocktopia Lava Survival (mod)
- Blocktopia Build Server (mod)
- Blocktopia TNT Wars (mod)
- Caznowl Zombie Survival (global controller)
- Caznowl Lava Survival (server-director)
- Caznowl Build Server (global controller)
- Heaven and Hell build server (mod+)
- Blacked Out Build (mod+)
- TheOne's Zombie Survival (mod)
- Caznowl SMP (co-director)
- Caznowl FFA (mod)
- Blocktopia SMP (mod)
- Rennervated Gaming (mod+, architect)
- PotterworldMC (professor / mod - graphic designer - youtube manager)
- My Own Server (down now, yet received a 20-30 player average)
- Pokeballers (gym leader/mod)
- LightPVP (mod+)
(and a couple others I'm having trouble remembering)
Proof can be found in my previous application, and if you have any concerns contact me so I can sort them out.
What should be included in your answer: If your moderating experience is not as vast as Brendoom's, list the servers you have served as staff on. If your staff list happens to have 3 or less servers, go into detail about the servers. If your moderating experience happens to be as vast as Brendoom's, mention only one server that you have served as staff on and go into little detail about it. After that is out of the way, continue to say how good you are with all the aspects of being staff with nothing else to back those statements up.
What will you provide to the community if you are provided moderator status?
Brendoom: I am typiclly online everyday. Not to be a suck-up but i do have a lot of free time at the moment so to fill my spare time I go on Minecraft and any other type of games that interest me. The community of Brawl Is huge and are always willing to accept people who are really kind and helpful and fit the job role. I believe I am one of those people. I am able to read lots of forum posts and give useful feedback such as; New class ideas, CTF discussions and importantly the help and support sections when all that eventually opens. I have specialized in the help and support topic at Mcpvp but i will get round to that in the up-coming days when the community base has been built entirely. I can also help the mod team by ensuring that I understand why people may be depressed about something which I am capable to help with, or if any means of help i am able to do it. If anyone including the staff need any help what-so-ever, I will always be here to help out and i can't say more clearly that I mainly don't often disappoint. My aim here is to impress everyone I meet.
I will try to improve Brawl eventually by ensuring I'm there for lots of people and I make sure im on track on all forum posts when it comes and responding to class ideas in the correct responsible way (If there will be one). I am able to show a wide range of ideas within the internet for ctf, however im not that good of a builder but I could think of possible ideas for classes. But my main strengths are being with people in discussions and being able to get to know them and me in-game or on the forum. I can also show Brawl that I was around some time with Mcpvp and I am aware of the standards that Brawl expect. I was part of the HRC team at Mcpvp which was a hack informer in a skype group. I had always been friendly since the day I came to capture the flag and I am not a mean person because all i ever wanted to do is help. I act my own way and have my own personal opinions such as, if they wanted class idea feedback i would give my honest opinion in the most polite way possible. I am really familiar with the game-mode, and I am able to show pride in playing that server. I have many people who know me as a CTF regular and many other friends who I really enjoy spending my free time with.
ExpertZJP: I plan to help new players understand Brawl and its game modes. I would try to make sure they have fun and enjoy their stay. I would also try to assist players with flamers, hackers, spammers, and anything else that might hurt someone's experience at Brawl. Lastly I would get rid of as many hackers as humanly possible. They make playing Brawl less fun, and it's just not fair.
Rytheria: Well honestly I'd like to say that I can provide experience. This is my main selling point, I offer to provide my experience on and off the minecraft field in staffing and upholding a community. Because of my extensive knowledge of Minecraft in general & MCPVP specifically (HG), I can probably answer a lot of questions and make well judged decisions which a regular, new staff member would not have the experience to do. I also have (as mentioned above) experienced all the ups and downs that old MCPVP used to introduce, I've seen the server grow since it first began and I believe I can use my experience and knowledge in it's growth to better advise Brawl on which way or steps they should take to keep the community flowing. I can also offer my skills in catching hackers and my notable knowledge in Minecraft commands to help keep Brawl rule-abiding and enjoyable to play. I want to make a footprint in the community, I want to make it a better place and I think that this is my first step in doing so.
What should be included in your answer: This one is simple, state how you will interact with and improve the experience of the players and community. When doing this, say how you would do it in such a way that it makes your way sound unique, efficient, agreeable, and wanted. Make sure to state how you would leave an impression on the community and make sure to say that the community will remember and love you.
Have you ever used a hacked client before?
Brendoom: Yes but only once on a server when I was younger but I wouldn't ever do it again because hacking is no fun anyway for me. Hacking is a issue that Is common on any server no matter when or where, It will always be there. It's very frustrating but this is why it' s fantastic that huge communities like this one have staff and are willing to help and ban hackers.
ExpertZJP: No I have never used a hacked client before and I never will. Playing Sg I find so many hackers, and they are the bane of my existence. I find hacking is unfair, selfish, and just plain stupid.
Rytheria: Yes I have used hacked clients before, however, not for the reason you'll think. I installed a variety of different hacked clients to test how they work in different situations on my private minecraft server. Basically, I was using it as a test feature to better understand how they work. I have never used it on a competitive minecraft server and never will.
What should be included in your answer: If your name is Brendoom, say yes, you have used hacked clients, however, state your typical excuse of "you were young" and "stupid." This is guaranteed to excuse you. If you have not used a hacked client, state that you never plan to use them and say how much you hate hackers and how stupid you think hacking is. If you decided to whet your curiosity on a private server, say that you did it to see how a hacked client worked. This makes people think that you are more capable of banning hackers.
Have you ever been banned on a Minecraft server? If so, why?
Brendoom: As stated above, I have been around a lot. Last time I remember being banned was greifing. It's no fun and it's sad to do so I am not sure why I did it because i don't really remember getting many pleasures out of doing it other than being frustrated to the fact that the mods no longer wanted me on the server anymore. It wasn't serious greif. Only a few blocks. The reason that sparked so much attention was because there was lava and it spread everywhere. I am such an idiot for doing it because he was a colleague of mine and I lost him because of that which I was rather annoyed about. Like I said also above about hacking, I was banned on that one for speed. Like the grefing scenario, there was no pleasure, it was all about me and finding it "funny" somehow when I look back in disappointment because that's what I did and I feel ashamed of doing so.
ExpectZJP: Sadly yes. I have never been permanently banned on a server, but I was once temp banned on The Hive. I was temp-banned on The Hive for protecting a Traitor in Trouble in MineVille. The player has tested and the rest of the players said that they were the traitor. Then the people attacked us and I died and later learned that the player was a traitor.
Rytheria: I've had my fair share of getting banned in classic servers, I'm not going to lie and say I haven't. Yet those were mainly for reasons such as griefing (which wasn't taken lightly back then and I was still very young). However, I have not yet been banned from any Premium servers that I can recall.
Please note that this thread is only meant to be a piece of satire that highlights similarities between the three most recent staff applications, that, for the most part, seem to be found throughout a large amount of staff applications. Of course, staff application answers often end up being very similar, due to many people hoping to highlight their best features. Also, even while this remains a piece of satire, if your answers for a staff application are based on this thread, I am sure that you would easily get accepted if you fulfill the criteria, as the staff applications are quite laughable in my opinion, as many people answer the same exact way, due to resorting to a thinking that they believe would most likely net them a staff rank.
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