what part of the myofibril shortens to produce contractions of the muscle fiber?

A sarcomere it is the fundamental functional unit of striated muscle, that is, of skeletal and cardiac muscle. Skeletal musculus is the blazon of muscle that is used in voluntary movement and the heart muscle is the muscle that is part of the middle.

To say that the sarcomere is the functional unit ways that all the components necessary for wrinkle are independent in each sarcomere. In fact, striated musculus is composed of millions of small sarcomeres that shorten, individually, with each muscle wrinkle.

Sarcomere Micrograph of a sarcomere (to a higher place) and its representation (below)

Here lies the main purpose of the sarcomere. The sarcomeres are able to initiate large movements by contracting in unison. Its unique construction allows these small units to coordinate the contractions of the muscles.

In fact, the contractile properties of muscle are a defining characteristic of animals, since the move of animals is remarkably shine and complex. The locomotion requires a change in the length of the muscle equally information technology flexes, which requires a molecular structure that allows muscle shortening.


  • 1 Structure and parts
    • 1.one Myofibrils
    • 1.2 Myosin and actin
    • ane.3 Myofilaments
  • two Functions
    • 2.1 Myosin involvement
    • 2.2 Union of myosin and actiba
  • iii Histology
    • 3.1 Band A
    • three.2 Zone H
    • three.3 Ring I
    • 3.iv Z disks
    • 3.5 Line K
  • 4 References

Structure and parts

If the skeletal muscle tissue is examined closely, a striped appearance called striation is observed. These"stripes"stand for a pattern of alternating bands, lite and nighttime, corresponding to unlike protein filaments. That is, these stripes are formed by interlaced protein fibers that make upward each sarcomere.


Muscle fibers are composed of hundreds to thousands of contractile organelles called myofibrils; These myofibrils are bundled in parallel to form musculus tissue. However, the myofibrils themselves are essentially polymers, that is, repetitive units of sarcomeres.

Myofibrils are gristly and long structures, and are made of ii types of protein filaments that are stacked 1 on top of the other.

Myosin and actin

Myosin is a thick cobweb with a globular caput, and actin is a thinner filament that interacts with myosin during the process of muscle contraction.

A given myofibril contains approximately 10,000 sarcomeres, each of which is approximately 3 micrometers in length. Although each sarcomere is small-scale, several aggregate sarcomeres span the length of the musculus fiber.


Each sarcomere consists of thick, thin beams of the proteins mentioned above, which together are called myofilaments.

By expanding a portion of the myofilaments, you can place the molecules that brand them upwards. The thick filaments are made of myosin, while the fine filaments are fabricated of actin.

Actin and myosin are the contractile proteins that cause musculus shortening when they interact with each other. In addition, the thin filaments comprise other proteins with regulatory role called troponin and tropomyosin, which regulate the interaction betwixt contractile proteins.


The main function of the sarcomere is to permit a muscle cell to contract. For this, the sarcomere must exist shortened in response to a nervous impulse.

The thick and thin filaments do non shorten, simply slide around each other, which causes the sarcomere to shorten while the filaments retain the same length. This process is known as the sliding filament model of muscle contraction.

The sliding of the filament generates muscular tension, which is undoubtedly the master contribution of the sarcomere. This action gives the muscles their physical forcefulness.

A quick analogy to this is the way a long ladder can be extended or folded depending on our needs, without physically shortening its metal parts.

Myosin involvement

Fortunately, contempo research offers a proficient idea of ​​how this slippage works. The theory of the sliding filament has been modified to include how myosin is able to pull actin to shorten the length of the sarcomere.

In this theory, the globular caput of myosin is located near actin in an surface area chosen the S1 region. This region is rich in segments with hinges that can curve and thus facilitate wrinkle.

The flexion of S1 may exist the primal to understanding how myosin is able to"walk"along the actin filaments. This is achieved by binding cycles of the S1 myosin fragment, its wrinkle and its final release.

Union of myosin and actiba

When myosin and actin come together, they grade extensions called"crossed bridges". These crossed bridges tin can be formed and interruption with the presence (or absence) of ATP, which is the energy molecule that makes contraction possible.

When ATP binds to the actin filament, it moves it to a position that exposes its myosin binding site. This allows the globular head of the myosin to adhere to this site to form the cantankerous bridge.

This marriage causes the phosphate grouping of ATP to dissociate, and thus myosin initiates its function. Then, the myosin enters a country of lower free energy where the sarcomere can exist shortened.

To pause the cross bridge and allow over again the binding of myosin to the actin in the next wheel, the binding of another ATP molecule to the myosin is necessary. That is, the ATP molecule is necessary for both contraction and relaxation.


The histological sections of the muscle show the anatomical characteristics of the sarcomeres. Thick filaments, composed of myosin, are visible and are represented as the A band of a sarcomere.

Thin filaments, equanimous of actin, demark to a protein on the Z disk (or Z line) called alpha-actinin, and are present forth the entire length of band I and a part of band A.

The region where the thick and thin filaments overlap has a dense appearance, since there is trivial space between the filaments. This area where the thin and thick filaments overlap is very important for muscle contraction, since information technology is the place where the movement of the filament begins.

The thin filaments do not extend completely in bands A, leaving a key region of band A that only contains thick filaments. This key region of ring A seems slightly lighter than the rest of band A, and is called zone H.

The center of zone H has a vertical line called line Yard, where accessory proteins hold together the thick filaments.

The main components of the histology of a sarcomere are summarized below:

Ring A

Thick filament zone, composed of myosin proteins.

Zone H

Central zone of band A, without actin proteins superimposed when the muscle is relaxed.

Ring I

Zone of sparse filaments, composed of actin proteins (without myosin).

Z disks

These are the boundaries between side by side sarcomeres, formed by actin-binding proteins perpendicular to the sarcomere.

Line M

Central zone formed by accompaniment proteins. They are located in the heart of the thick filament of myosin, perpendicular to the sarcomere.

Equally mentioned earlier, shrinkage occurs when the thick filaments slide along the fine filaments in rapid succession to shorten the myofibrils. Notwithstanding, a crucial distinction to remember is that the myofilaments themselves do not contract; it is the sliding action that gives them their power to shorten or lengthen.


  1. Clarke, Grand. (2004). The sliding filament at 50. Nature , 429 (6988), 145.
  2. Unhurt, T. (2004) Do Physiology: A Thematic Arroyo (1st ed.). Wiley
  3. Rhoades, R. & Bell, D. (2013). Medical Physiology: Principles for Clinical Medicine (4th ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  4. Spudich, J. A. (2001). The myosin swinging cross-span model. Nature Reviews Molecular Jail cell Biology , ii (5), 387-392.
  5. Thibodeau, P. (2013). Anatomy and Physiology (eight th ). Mosby, Inc.
  6. Tortora, G. & Derrickson, B. (2012). Principles of Anatomy and Physiology (13th ed.). John Wiley & Sons Inc.


Source: https://www.lifepersona.com/sarcomere-structure-and-parts-functions-and-histology

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